FAQ & Supporting Documents
This page contains a searchable database of "how to" articles, frequently asked questions, and some examples of client research. If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for on our site, this is a great tool to find it quickly.
- Ascension trakSTAR Sensors
- Polhemus Sensors (Viper, Liberty, Patriot, G4, and Fastrak Systems)
- Motion Analysis Corp. Camera System (Cortex)
- OptiTrack Camera System
- Qualisys Camera System
- Vicon Camera System (Nexus 2)
- Vicon Camera System using Clusters (Nexus 2)
- Vicon Camera System (Tracker)
- Vicon Analog Data
- Vicon Camera Configuration
- NDI Optotrak Camera System
- PhaseSpace Camera System
- Theia3D Markerless System
- Southwest Research Institute ENABLE Markerless System
- XSens IMUs
- Measurement Computing A/D
- AMTI Analog Force Plate
- AMTI AccuGait Analog Force Plate
- AMTI Digital Force Plate
- Bertec Analog Force Plate
- Bertec Digital Force Plate
- Bertec BeFit Treadmill Controls
- Bertec PLC Instrumented Treadmill and Controls
- Kistler Analog Force Plate
- ATI Force/Torque Transducer
- Generic Transducer Device
- Delsys Digital EMG
- Noraxon Digital EMG
- Analog EMG
- AntNeuro Digital EEG
- BioSemi Digital EEG
- Tobii Glasses 2 Eye Tracker
- Tobii HMD-HTC Vive Eye Tracker
- Eyelink II Eye Tracker
- Integrated Reference Video (WebCam)
- Integrated Reference Video (Basler)
- Microphone
- TCP/IP Outputs
- VR with Unity
- VR with Vizard (WorldViz)
- VR (Stereoscopic) Projector Configuration
- The MotionMonitor xGen Elements Manual
- The MotionMonitor xGen Build Log
- The MotionMonitor xGen Getting Started Guide
- The MotionMonitor xGen Software - Best Practices
- C3D Model Builder - C3D Import
- C3D Model Builder - C3D Export
- Recording Parameters
- Digitizing Guide (Segment Endpoint Landmarks)
- Adding Graphs
- Sample Variable Definitions
- Defining Grood & Suntay Angles
- Data Reduction
- Extracting Trials
- Synchronizing Pulses
- Correcting Marker Exchanges in Passive Optical Data
- Virtual Event Markers
- Metal Mapping and Distortion Correction for Electromagnetic Hardware
- Calibrating Integrated Video Cameras
- EMG Analysis MVC
- Biofeedback
- Bertec Instrumented Treadmill & Self-Paced Walking
- Hand Detail
- ISB Shoulder
- Standard IMU Workspace
- Scripting